182 E Kingston Road Inlet Beach, FL 32461
for sale | Single Family Detached | Built in 2005
- Annual Tax: $20,269.94
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182 E Kingston Road Inlet Beach, FL 32461
for sale | Single Family Detached | Built in 2005
- Annual Tax: $20,269.94
The Details
About 182 E Kingston Road, Inlet Beach, FL 32461
182 E Kingston Road, Inlet Beach, FL 32461
key features
Rosemary Beach
In general, relaxation isn’t something you can plan — but that’s not true of a community specifically designed for relaxation. Because Rosemary Beach has everything you need, you don’t need to worry about anything. The homes here are large and architecturally interesting, and the whole community is luxuriously laid-back in every detail, with everything connected by walkways and boardwalks perfect for walking or biking on a fat-tired beach cruiser. There’s a park — the Long Green — which hosts markets, concerts, and festivals, and a town center full of restaurants and one-of-a-kind boutiques. There are tennis courts and swimming pools, park benches and shade trees — and we haven’t even gotten to the “beach” part of town. The beaches on this part of the Gulf are sugar-soft, and Rosemary Beach also has easy access to the inland wilds of 800-acre Powell Lake, making this a dream for kayaking, paddleboarding, bird-watching, and fishing for both saltwater and freshwater species — often on the same trip.