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Corcoran Magri Properties

About Us

Established as Immobiliare Magri in 1987, our company brings experience and excellence to Lake Garda real estate. Our team takes a strategic approach to the region’s strong vacation home market, keeping strong ties with German and English-speaking feeder markets across Europe and beyond. In 2023, we became the first European affiliate of Corcoran, bringing the strength and reach of a beloved real estate brand to our storied region of Italy. We’re proud of our legacy as a family business. Our founder, veteran broker Luigi Magri, first began selling Lake Garda real estate in 1950s, later involving his children in the business. Keeping with tradition, Maddelena Magri stepped up to lead the company in 2013, a role she continues today.

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The World We Serve

The Corcoran brand stands taller than ever in its original markets of New York City, the Hamptons, and South Florida. And the reach of our good name is growing fast, thanks to a dream team of affiliates serving extraordinary urban, suburban, and resort destinations across the United States and around the world.

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